About Us

Independent IT consultants operating globally

The Centre For Open Systems Pty Ltd (CFOS) [ACN 059 902 751], established in 1993, is an independent, Australian owned open systems consulting organisation with extensive experience in multi-vendor computer systems architectures. The organisation specialises in strategic Information Technology (IT) architectural planning particularly in the supporting transactional processing technologies for e-Business - i.e. distributed computing, directories, messaging, network services, systems management and security. With offices in both Sydney and Hong Kong, CFOS is available for consulting assignments throughout Asia.

Professional services not products

CFOS is often commissioned by the world's leading IT system integrators, systems vendors and professional services firms to provide specialist skills and experience on large projects. While it maintains certification and accreditation (skills competency) obligations with the major systems and software vendors, it has no commercial arrangements with any suppliers. CFOS provides professional services not products.

CFOS clients and mission

The client base for CFOS includes Government agencies, utilities, IT vendors, major financial institutions (especially stock exchanges) and large commercial sector organisations. Particular vertical industry specialities include the Finance, Defence, Retail and Hospitality sectors. CFOS aims to provide an in depth, carefully assessed international perspective on the decisions organisations must take today – while preparing for tomorrow. Put simply, CFOS's mission is to assist our clients achieve sustainable world best practice in IT.

New business models and constant technical change

IT has never been more important to organisations. Today in the US, IT spending accounts for over 50% of enterprise capital spending. Business is in a state of constant change. The need for enterprise agility in adapting to the new business environment of strategic partnerships, virtual enterprises and integrated value chains requires tight and responsive IT alignment to the business’s objectives. CFOS provides consulting resources to achieve this against a background of accelerating technological change.

Strong international links

CFOS has online access to, and personal contacts with extensive international resources through its association with The Open Group, its membership of international IT professional bodies such as the IEEE, along with involvement with industry analysts such as Gartner Group and Forrester Research. All these resources and contacts provide CFOS with an up to the minute informed perspective on industry trends, vendor’s directions and how large organisations are really deploying the latest technology. For major assignments CFOS is able to draw on a pool of leading international consultants specialising in distributed computing, directories, security, systems management and network design.

Wide industry experience

CFOS has extensive industry experience in the telecommunications, government, petroleum, banking, media, securities and information technology industries. This broadly based business experience allows CFOS to bring both a business and a technological perspective to the task of aligning an organisation's IT with the business.

Quality - a way of life

CFOS consultants are used to participating in large multi-discipline teams working to formal quality management standards (e.g. ISO 9000 series based) in Government, Commercial, Defence, retail and hospitality sectors. In addition CFOS is often involved in providing independent quality assurance services for organisations requiring an external assessment of a significant IT project such as the specification of a systems architecture or major network design. These activities also include performing technology due diligence on behalf of venture capitalists.

Vendor independence

CFOS is very careful to ensure that all of its assignments are undertaken on a non-exclusive, non-aligned (i.e. vendor independent) basis. This one of the company's major strengths which appeals strongly to Global 2000 clients. CFOS's professional approach is rigorously maintained and as a consequence CFOS has built a reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing in the industry. On occasions, this has allowed CFOS to act as an independent moderator in multi-party industry disputes with considerable success.

Client Testimonials

Our Clients tell us that we provide them with a scarce and unusual combination of skills, which are crucial to getting the business and the technologists to understand each other. CFOS consultants are as comfortable advising the senior management team of large enterprises as they are with guiding IT projects and staff. Referees available on request.

Centre For Open Systems Pty Ltd.

ABN 51 059 902 751
Ph: +61 2 8005 7525
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